In this Edition:
** From the Desk of Ms Chrissy
** The Calendar
** From the Desk of Miss Sammy
** TLCSFG Product Specials
** Sharing
** Links to Share
Quote of the Month:
Nature has made women with a bosom, so nature thought it was important.
Who am I to argue with nature?
Ida Rosenthal, inventor of the modern brassiere.
She figured out how to gently lift and separate the women from the girls.
From the Desk of Ms Chrissy

Some highlights for this year for me have definitely been my involvement in the Love Vintage Fairs around Australia... I am so excited to have been part of this fair from (well almost) its beginning to now witnessing its growth along the way has been really amazing. It is set to get bigger so get on board and enjoy what this wonderful Love Vintage Community has to offer... (Links below)
Another highlight has also been my increasing involvement with the many wonderful festivals we have here in Australia such as The Wintersun Festival, Garterbelts and Gasoline, Greazefest to name a few, with my love of Vintage Styling , Music & Dancing, we have been spoilt for super events to enjoy as well as represent. Fashion Parades, High Teas, Shopping Tours, Cake Bakes, Pin Up Booths, and all the other glamorous side shows that come with it are the cherry on top..(Links to all below)
Apart from the avenues of fun, there are also the new team members of LCS that I just adore and am deliriously happy that they make up this LCS family and I get to work with them every day!!!. Thank you Angels Sammy and Kelley and Thank you Rachel/Bos & Glenda... I look forward to continuing to share the fast and frolicking good ride with you all.... To the LCS extended family as well, thank you for all your support through 2011... Yes that’s you Candice, Bonnie, Nicole, Helen, Kesenya, Nada... all successful and valuable contributors to this wonderful community we are growing but also, all round nice ladies to boot...
So many firsts this year, so many milestones but probably the biggest to date would be........ Drum Role (a small self indulgent pat on the back moment) .... I am humbled and thrilled to announce that I am now the Vintage Styling Editor of a new National Magazine being launched in March called Love Vintage Magazine. A first for our industry and this is going to be huge. Nervous and excited all at the same time. They are offering a special early subscription discount to LCS so make sure you subscribe ASAP. Check my website or email me for further details.
There has been no shortage of sad moments as well but we won’t dwell on those, only to say that if you are hurting I send you comfort and when I am hurting I feel your comfort.
So at 1am I must be off to bed as dark circles are quite unbecoming ..must remember to take the Green Tea Bags with me tomorrow in case I need a little antioxidant pick me up.. (Place them over your eyes for 10 mins to calm the bags and reduce the darkness)....
Merry Christmas, be safe, be kind to one another and remember to spend a few moments each and every day on yourselves...
Til then Ladies,
xx Ms Chrissy xx
Charm School Calendar – Email me to book or enquire about booking your own personal Charm School, Hens Party, Corporate Function, Personal Vintage Styling Session and everything in between....
2012 Workshop Bookings so far:
QLD - Sunday 5 February – 10am to 1pm - Brisbane – The Waterloo Hotel Registrations Now Open.
VIC - Saturday 25 February – Melbourne Workshops – Glenferrie Hotel... 3 Hr Introductory Workshop AM then 2 Hr Intermediate Vintage Hair Styling Workshop PM – Must have completed 1st workshop before being able to participate in this Intermediate workshop. Special discount for two.
VIC - Sunday 26 February - Thread Den – Unique Packaged Experience (Exciting Details to Come)
VIC - 2-4 March –– Tyabb, Daylesford & Geelong
SA - 9-11 March –Adelaide Workshop - Largs Pier Hotel
VIC - 15-18 March – Melbourne: The Windsor High Tea with a sip of Manners (Part of the Food and Wine Festival) + Workshop
NSW - 22-25 March –Love Vintage Hordern Pavilion, Entertainment Quarter, Moore Park , Sydney + workshop (Sunday 1-4pm) + Launch of Love Vintage Magazine + Salon + Merchandise Stall
ACT - 26-29 April – Love Vintage Canberra + Workshop (Sunday 1-4) + Salon + Merchandise Stall
QLD - 5-7 May – Garterbelts and Gasoline – Vintage Shopping & High Tea Tour/Charm School Salon & Merchandise Stall
VIC - 17-20 May – Love Vintage Fair Royal Exhibition Building Carlton + Workshop (Sunday 1 – 4pm) + Salon + Merchandise Stall
NSW - 6-11 June – Wintersun Nostalgia Festival – Coffs Harbour – Salon + Merchandise Stand + Workshop, Fashion Parades, Cake Bake Comp,
TAS - 21-24 June – Hobart – Styling Workshops
QLD – 13-15 July – Brisbane Exhibition Centre – Love Vintage Fair + Workshop (Sunday 1 – 4pm) + Salon + Merchandise Stall
ACT – August - Canberrang Lindy Exchange – Intermediate Vintage Hair Styling Workshop - TBC
NSW – 14-16 September – Sydney – Canterbury Race Course – Love Vintage Fair + Workshop (Sunday 1 – 4pm) + Salon + Merchandise Stall
NSW – October - Sydney Lindy Exchange – TBC – Intermediate Vintage Hair Styling Workshop
From the Desk of Miss Sammy
There was something very special and beautiful about women in the early- to mid-20th century. The way they dressed was elegant and the way they wore their hair was feminine.
1940's women were asked to do a lot, and working for the war effort took a toll. But glamour was in, fresh from Hollywood, and women who were earning their first pay checks were also shopping, dressing elegantly and using cosmetics like movie stars. Part of the rationale was that the nation's women couldn't afford to look frumpy in a time of war; the other reason for spending so much time and effort on one's appearance was to stay somewhat positive and optimistic. "Putting a brave face on" was more than an interior process: wearing makeup and nice clothes was a statement of self-worth and confidence. Striking, classy, and beautiful are words that define the 1940s makeup. They strived to look beautiful and feminine despite the prevalence of simple utility clothing. Makeup was one way a woman could accent her look, even in a factory uniform.
The makeup of the 40s was influenced by a variety of factors. World War II dominated the time period, and although war production helped pull America out of the great depression, people were not wasteful. Makeup, although socially acceptable in this decade, reflected this sentiment. The style was based on natural beauty; simple and subdued, yet striking in nature.
The style of makeup in the 1940s relied on flawless-looking skin, long lashes, groomed but natural-looking brows, and striking lips. Red lipstick is a defining makeup look from this period. A woman's makeup was not complete without a beautiful red lip. Many shades of red were available, from lighter orange-reds to darker cherry and brick reds. The lighter more natural shades could be worn for day, and a darker lip colour worn for evening glamour. Lip liner was also essential. The look called for a soft, full, slightly rounded lip, and women often exaggerated the upper lip to get the desired effect. The 1940s makeup colours and style appeal to many women. This is an especially popular look for special occasions, such as weddings or formal dances, because while it is very sophisticated, it also allows a woman's natural beauty to shine. If you are considering a modern, 40s-inspired vibe, consider these tips: The classic sophistication of 1940s makeup is one that can be emulated with a little practice. Whether you want an exaggerated makeup style from this time period for a costume party, or simply want to rock the glamorous style inspired by this era, focusing on defined but natural-looking women.
Roles changed drastically in the 1940s. As men went to war, women went to work. The makeup trends at the time were simple, uncomplicated and only took a few moments to apply.
Movie stars of the 1940s were glamorous and alluring, with makeup that focused on lovely lips and eyelashes. Ava Gardner, Rita Hayworth and Ingrid Bergman are classic examples of a look that was alluring, but not colourful or overdone.
If you want to become one of those glamour 1940s girls, then watch out for our special make up workshops in 2012.
Hope you all enjoy a wonderful Christmas and a very happy New Year.
I am looking forward to being inspired by you all next year.
Mistress Sammy xx
The LCS Wants YOU!
The Lindy Charm School are recruiting & training additional Mistresses from all Australian states & from New Zealand to join their dedicated team. If you love all things Vintage & would like to be considered for a place on their next training weekend to be held on 20 – 22nd January in QLD please email Rachel in the first instance E: enclosing 2 recent photographs – one natural, one in vintage style detailing why you wish to apply & what skills you could bring to the role. Places are strictly limited so please apply early.
We look forward to meeting you.
Our Products:
- Nude Cuban Heeled (Black Seam) - $25 ea – A girls staple
- Nude Fishnets with Back Seam - $25
- Do Rags - $10 – Style accessories or god send for bad hair days
- Perfect Pout Lip Liner & Lipstick set - $25 You won't find cheaper for the quality.
- The Essential LCSFG Setting Lotion - $20 – The ever famous “Rocket Fuel”
- Set of 3 Dolly Pegs - $5 – Once you know how to use you won’t live without them
- Cotton/Nylon Snoods - $20 – Red, Black and white now in stock.
- Pin Curl Clips (Double/quality) 10 per pack - $10 – A must have if you want great pin curls
Coming in 2012:
LCS Essential Beauty Cases with or without Essential Makeup Contents;
LCS Essential Hair Styling Kit
LCS Makeup Essentials
LCS Styling Comb
LCS Do Protector for the Shower
Looking for that perfect little gift for Christmas? Here are a couple of ideas:
Would you prefer to give an experience, the memories of which will last a lifetime? Make her feel extra special by gifting 3 hours of our love, attention & expertise by getting your mitts on a Lindy Charm School Voucher redeemable against our workshops and our products! Email us for further details on how to get your hands on one before Christmas.
Share a little happiness this Xmas -
FROG & THE WELL, Unconventional Happiness
Full of fun and uplifting cartoons and messages about being happy, it makes a great gift. Only $14.99 and now available as an E-book.
HI-FALLUTIN EARRINGS from the Fabulous Mz Vickie:
Head on over to my Hi-Fallutin Facebook page to see all the gorgeous
vintage inspired earrings I have for sale.
Beautiful accessories to adorn your lobes with.
Only $10 a pair + $3 postage per parcel.
And Lastly, you can’t go past Some Fancy Ladies Goodies for that special Treat:
Favorite Links & Blogs:
Our Super Friends:
Circa Vintage Clothing:
Super Reading Every day….
The Face of Wintersun: Miss Bonnie Rose:
Super Reading Every day….
The Face of Wintersun: Miss Bonnie Rose:
Our Super Talented Pin Up Photographer:
The Awesomely Talented Photographer and all round great gal pal responsible for my current profile shot (plus more) - Kate Davies of KD Photography -
The Awesomely Talented Photographer and all round great gal pal responsible for my current profile shot (plus more) - Kate Davies of KD Photography -
Vintage Fairs Around Australia:Love Vintage Fairs - Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane & Canberra -
Looking for a Hair Salon
that understands Vintage styles and cuts or maybe a Barber?? We are starting to compile a list. Good ones are few and far between so if you hear of any then please feel free to pass on…
Here are a couple we’ve heard of:
SYDNEY – Ladies Hair Salon called “The Leopard Lounge.. Vintage Hair Salon” ... – 0401017275
Thanks Maddie for this one:
Sterling Hairdressing Parlour and Barber shop: or
BRISBANE: A Barber for the Fellas I’ve heard is good... Found a place in Morningside, the "Bare Bones Barbershop"
Beehive Hair & Nail Studio - Owned by Leanne Martin - Wife of Pete Martin of Corn Liquor - she wears vintage and knows how to do all eras from 40's to 60's - Minimine Street Stafford QLD 4053 -
that understands Vintage styles and cuts or maybe a Barber?? We are starting to compile a list. Good ones are few and far between so if you hear of any then please feel free to pass on…
Here are a couple we’ve heard of:
SYDNEY – Ladies Hair Salon called “The Leopard Lounge.. Vintage Hair Salon” ... – 0401017275
Thanks Maddie for this one:
Sterling Hairdressing Parlour and Barber shop: or
BRISBANE: A Barber for the Fellas I’ve heard is good... Found a place in Morningside, the "Bare Bones Barbershop"
Beehive Hair & Nail Studio - Owned by Leanne Martin - Wife of Pete Martin of Corn Liquor - she wears vintage and knows how to do all eras from 40's to 60's - Minimine Street Stafford QLD 4053 -
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